A claimed schematic of the 4.7-inch model of the iPhone 6 appears to support suggestions that the camera lens will protrude, though only by 0.77mm. Posted by Apple Club in Taiwan, it appears to show a 7mm thick casing with the thickest part of the camera extending 0.77mm beyond this.

Suggestions that the quest for thinness might result in an iPod Touch-style protruding camera lens on the iPhone 6 date back to March, and have been supported by claimed backplate photos as recently as this month. There have, though, been conflicting reports, with one suggestion that Apple would be able to avoid this by restricting optical image stabilization to the larger 5.5-inch model … 

It should be noted that product schematics and prototypes often exaggerate the degree to which particular design elements will be noticeable, witness the difference between an early prototype of the iPod Touch versus the barely-noticeable protruding camera ring on the current model:

Evidence emerged yesterday that the iPhone 6 display will be sharper than that of the iPhone 5s/5c, and that the resolution would allow for more icons to be displayed per screen while retaining Retina resolution (though whether Apple would actually do so is another question).

Sketchier rumors claimed that the phone would support LTE-Advanced, but not the maximum speed of 300Mbps offered by the emerging standard, and repeated the now traditional annual rumor that the latest iPhone will include NFC for wireless payment.

Apple is expected to launch the iPhone 6 at a media event on 9th September.

Via GforGames