Why hasn’t there been a Chrono Trigger remake? With the advent of the newly-designed Final Fantasy VII, this isn’t an unreasonable question. While Final Fantasy games have traditionally been more popular, Chrono Trigger was the 20th most-popular game for the Super Nintendo (and the 9th most-popular that wasn’t shipped with the system at some point). Simply put, it has earned its place in history, and it was released by Squaresoft and Enix pre-merger more than a quarter-century ago. It’s time.

Chrono Trigger is a time travel adventure RPG in which you and your friends attempt to stop Lavos, an evil creature summoned by the dark mage Magus, from destroying the world. Your adventures take you all over the past, present, and future as you recruit allies from various time periods to combat the threat using a combination of magic, science, and brute force.

Chrono Trigger has everything: an innovative and fun combat system, between 10 and 30 endings depending on who you ask, a magnificent story, great spells and attacks, a badass “hidden” recruitable character, and replay value that dwarfs that of most modern games.

It’s Time for a Chrono Trigger Remake

Sure, Chrono Trigger has been remastered and re-released many times over. Unfortunately, the most recent release on Steam is so badly-done that fans aree forced to mod the game to make it borderline playable. Some fans tried to whet the appetite of those who needed an updated Chrono Trigger game with Chrono Resurrection, but the highly-anticipated project was canceled after Square Enix sent the developers a cease and desist letter.

While there was a sequel, Chrono Cross, it never lived up to the magic of the first installment of the game. Square Enix attempted another game, tentatively called Chrono Break, but the idea never went far for one reason or another. And hey – there’s something to be said for the advancements in gaming over the years that could make Chrono Trigger a better game than it already is.

We have the technology…

Someone who was born the day Chrono Trigger released is old enough to have graduated college, had a baby, and started a career. A lot has happened in gaming since this masterpiece made its mark on the world. As we’ve seen from the absolutely beautiful job Square Enix has done with the new Final Fantasy VII, we know they are capable of doing the same thing with Lucca, Marle, Chrono, and the gang.

All in all, a Chrono Trigger remake would be more than just a gift to hardcore fans. This would introduce arguably one of the best RPG games of all time to an entirely new generation – a generation who is more into video games than the last and would likely embrace it as their new god. Or enjoy it, anyway. Now that development is complete on Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix needs to invest some resources into making this happen.

Next: Chrono Trigger’s 10 Best Endings (& How To Get Them)