Wait, no: not really. Don’t leave yet. 

If you’re a bit of a foodie, you’ll probably enjoy this game a lot more than someone who isn’t discerning or knowledgeable about international cuisine. Actually taking a crack at figuring out the answers is fun if you’ve had some of the dishes within a category and want to flex those food knowledge muscles.

This guide is pretty simple. All we’ve got here are the quiz answers. Completing quizzes gives you Fame, which in turn, levels you up. You also get exclusive ingredients for finishing certain quizzes, which you can have your chefs cook up and take on their journeys.

As a slight reminder, a chef has a higher chance of visiting a particular country if all three dishes they take are from that locale. So stock them up right!

The quizzes below are mostly in the same order as you find them in the completed section of the quiz menu. With that in mind, you may have to do some searching below.

Intro Ingredients (Guess the ingredient)


Intro Dishes (Guess the dish)


Veggies (Guess the ingredient)


Fruits (Guess the ingredient)


France (Guess the dish)


Italy (Guess the dish)


China (Guess the dish)


Japan (Guess the dish)


Seafood (Guess the ingredient)


Spices (Guess the ingredient)


Intro Trivia (Food trivia)


Herbs (Guess the ingredient)


Mexico (Guess the dish)


Nuts and Seeds (Guess the ingredient)


Meats (Guess the ingredient)


UK (Guess the dish)


Asian Food Culture (Food trivia)


Spain (Guess the dish)


Thailand (Guess the dish)


Korea (Guess the dish)


For Chocoholics! (Food trivia)


Spices 2 (Guess the ingredients)


Starches (Guess the ingredient)


Germany (Guess the dish)


Greece (Guess the dish)


Russia (Guess the dish)


Austria (Guess the dish)


Switzerland (Guess the dish)


Indonesia (Guess the dish)


Malaysia (Guess the dish)


Vietnam (Guess the dish)


Scandanavia (Guess the dish)


Portugal (Guess the dish)


Veggies 2 (Guess the ingredient)


Fruits 2 (Guess the ingredient)


Singapore (Guess the dish)


Guess the Origin (Food trivia)


Sauces (Guess the ingredient)


Veggies 3 (Guess the ingredient)


Guess the Origin 2 (Food trivia)


Balkans (Guess the dish)


Philippines (Guess the dish)


Liquids (Guess the ingredients)


Most Expensive Foods! (Food trivia)


Eastern Europe (Guess the dish)


Odds and Ends 1 (Guess the ingredients)


Exotic Cuisines! (Food trivia)


Taiwan (Guess the dish)


Odds and Ends 2 (Guess the ingredient)


Autumn Dishes (Guess the dish)


Summer Dishes (Guess the dish)


It Came From… (Food trivia)


Tropical Fruits (Food trivia)