A surprising number of episodes of the classic sitcom Cheers happen entirely inside the bar, only moving scenes to different parts of said bar. In fact, it’s fair to say that a vast majority of the episodes spread over those 11 seasons never left it. Kind of like Norm and his favorite stool. But despite the incredible amount of time fans spent in Cheers watching the adventures of the staff and barflies, there are still secrets hidden around it and about it that few people have ever picked up on.

The Boston Bar Was In LA

The bar that defined the city of Boston to millions of people was based on a real Boston bar, but the show wasn’t shot there. Like most American TV series, particularly in that era, the set was located on the West Coast in Los Angeles. It wasn’t until season nine that they started shooting scenes with the cast outside in Boston at various landmarks or in front of the bar. This was primarily done for cold open gags, but Boston landmarks started finding their way into other scenes.

A No Music Jukebox

A staple of bars across America is the jukebox, used to play classic and popular music from a variety of eras. Since it’s such a key part of Americana, it goes without saying how important a prop like that is to the set of the bar. But it was just there for show.

It wasn’t often that the jukebox in Cheers ever got any use, but when it did, the music was added in post-production. Music never actually came out of that jukebox on set. That’s too bad since it looks like a fantastic machine.

The Address Is Weird

While Cheers as it exists in the show isn’t a real place, it does have a real address. Well, kind of. The official Boston address of Cheers is 112 and a Half Beacon Street. Very few, if any, addresses in Boston are fractions, mainly because that would be really confusing. That being said, there is a Beacon Street in Boston, though the approximate address of the bar puts you smack dab in the middle of a bunch of brownstones. Even though the address might not be legit, there is a Cheers in the vicinity.

The Bull & Finch

The exterior shots for Cheers were shot in Boston at a bar called The Bull & Finch. Like the in-show version of Cheers, it was on Beacon Street but not at the same fictional address. Again, no fractions.

But after the show became popular, The Bull & Finch went through a re-branding process and changed its name to Cheers, meaning a version of the bar actually exists on Beacon Street. While no one there will have any idea what your name is, you can still go and experience a small piece of TV history.

Happy Hour Crowds

For anyone running a bar or restaurant, you’re constantly worried about people coming through the door. When the bar looks empty, that’s a huge problem. Cheers was always worried about the same issues. The set looked empty if there were less than 30 patrons in the bar, the optimal number being 40. This meant that many scenes needed a large number of extras to make it feel like a real bar. It was amazing how quickly the vibe in a scene set in Cheers could change if there were just a few fewer bodies.

Throwing Back Fake Cold Ones

Being a show that is set in a bar makes drinking kind of an inevitable part of the experience. Norm in particular put away more than his fair share of beer. In reality, it was near beer spiked with salt to keep it foamy during shoots.

The irony was all the liquor behind the bar was real, but no one ever drank it. Just to make sure they promoted a positive message of some kind, the producers made sure that no character in the series ever drove home drunk. If they had a few too many, they took a cab.

The Strange Seam In The Bar

Most bars are designed with drinking in mind. Since no one on the Cheers set was drinking actual alcohol, other design issues needed to be kept in mind. Eagle-eyed fans might have noticed a strange seam running down the middle of the bar. This was the spot where the set would swing open and reveal the set for Sam’s office. It’s unlikely that your local neighborhood watering hole can do this, or would actually need to, but it probably made long days on the stage easier to manage.

Sam’s Photo

Keeping in mind that he was originally supposed to be a football player, Sam Malone’s past as a baseball player looms large over the entire series. He even has a silhouetted photo of himself up in the bar. It’s actually a photo of Jim Lonborg, a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox in the 1960s and 1970s.

Just to make everything look even more legit, Sam was given the same number as Lonborg, 16. That number is seen on Sam’s old jersey, which he donated to a television auction.

Hidden Lights

The first three seasons of Cheers featured Nicholas Colasanto as the character known lovingly as Coach. He worked with Sam when he was a professional baseball player and came to the bar with him as a continuing support mechanism. But prior to Cheers, Colasanto was better known as a TV director than an actor, and had a lot of trouble memorizing his lines. The producers had special lights installed under the bar so Colasanto could place his script pages there and read them as needed.

The Photo Of Geronimo

Colasanto’s sudden death during season three was heartbreaking for the cast and meant changes for the show. At the beginning of season four, Woody Harrelson made his debut as Woody Boyd and replaced Coach in the bar. Not to be forgotten, a framed photo of Geronimo that Colasanto kept in his dressing room was added to the set. In the series finale, the last thing Sam does before delivering his final line is straighten that photo. It was nod of love and respect to the man who helped get this legendary series off the ground.